ESA Commercial Gateway Network Event

September 28, 2022
| 19:00
- 23:00
Location: Space Expo
Organising party: SBIC Noordwijk
ESA Commercial Gateway Network Event

ESA Commercial Gateway Network Event

The first ESA Commercial Gateway Network event happening on Wednesday the 28thย of September at Space Expo in Noordwijk in the Netherlands during the Space Week.

The Networking event, for the largest space business network in the world, brings together ESA BIC Startups from all 26 ESA BICโ€™s, the ESA Commercialisation Gateway department and investors, to inspire, support and connect.

More info:ย https://commercialisation.esa….


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September 28 2022

ESA Commercial Gateway Network Event The first ESA Commercial Gateway Network event happening on Wednesday the 28thย of September at Space Expo in Noordwijk in the Netherlands during the Space Week. The Networking event, for the largest space business network in the world, brings together ESA BIC Startups from all 26 ESA BICโ€™s, the ESA Commercialisation […]