Read her experience: What Network & Drinks can bring you

A reflection on our former virtual editions of NL Space Campus Network&Drinks: a nice word from our community member Aditi Sathe that we would love to share with you. Thank you so much Aditi for your kind words and being such a valuable community member! See you next Thursday @SBIC!

β€œI have been attending the NL Space Campus Network and drinks since the beginning i.e. early 2021.

What started out as an attempt at virtual socialisation during lockdown, has since then become quite an enriching experience. On one hand it is exciting to listen to new technologies and startups being presented during the pitches; On the other hand it is quite gratifying to be able to advice the aspiring entrepreneurs with my own knowledge and experience.

I was lucky enough to collaborate with some participants of the Antler program last year and provide some insights into the making and daily happenings of earth observation satellites. I also got an opportunity to present myself as a candidate for a team conducting an analogue astronaut mission and interact with people working in human space exploration. Other than such unique experiences, I have also networked and have had enlightening chats with numerous people. In times of pandemic isolations, such opportunities have been quite unprecedented and consequently highly valuable.

I am very much looking forward to the next event. I would like to thank the organisers for their effort and dedication. I hope that I will be able to enhance this platform that offers a stage for things to happen by chance and I intend to do that by spreading the word as well as being part of its community.”

–Β Aditi Sathe –Β System Engineer – Post Launch Support (ATG Europe BV) at European Space Agency – ESA

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