Lift Off ’24 NL Space Recap: Launch of the Long-Term Space Agenda

Thursday 25 January was a special day for NL Space Campus and the space sector. The Lift Off ’24 NL Space event, jointly organised by NSO, SpaceNed and NL Space Campus, took place at Space Expo in Noordwijk, marking the beginning of the new space year. The event featured the launching of the Lange-Termijn Ruimtevaartagenda (LTR) (Long-Term Space Agenda) developed by a steering committee commissioned by the Minister of economic affairs and climate change. At Lift Off ’24, The LTR was officially presented to Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate, Micky Adriaansens. The launch of the LTR highlights the strategic importance of space for the Netherlands.


Over the past months, a steering group led by former Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate, Maria van der Hoeven, has been hard at work on a Long-Term Space Agenda. On 25 January 2024 the Long-Term Space Agenda for the Netherlands was unveiled. This agenda aims to provide vision and structure to Dutch space policy. The diligent efforts of multiple working groups, focusing on topics such as societal issues, innovation, science, and governance, have culminated in a concise document. In her accompanying words during the formal handover to outgoing Minister Micky Adriaansens at Space Expo, Maria van der Hoeven emphasized that this agenda will guide multiple cabinets, as it is designed for the long term.

At NL Space Campus, we take immense pride in the recognition of our innovation ecosystem, particularly in one of the three main points of Mission 5 out of the 6 missions: “Dutch companies capitalize on space opportunities.” We will continue to evolve and collaborate with our partners to develop facilities, resources, and programming that support the Dutch ambition for the development of space technology. We are proud that the NL Space Campus innovation ecosystem and facilities are recognised as one of the focus points of the agenda.


  • Mission 1: Ensuring space enhances the safety of the Netherlands and the world.
  • Mission 2: Using space for climate and environmental initiatives.
  • Mission 3: Establishing Dutch science and instruments among the world’s elite.
  • Mission 4: Using satellite data as a strategic tool to address societal challenges.
  • Mission 5: Dutch companies seizing growth opportunities in space technology.
  • Mission 6: Advocating for a robust international legal framework for space.


Importance for Societal Challenges and Everyday Life

Space technology helps us address various important challenges in our society, scientific research, and economy. Whether it’s keeping an eye on climate changes, ensuring our safety, or enabling communication, space technology plays a crucial role in our daily lives. This country possesses unique knowledge and technological capabilities in this field, positioning it well for areas such as national security, dike monitoring, and climate measurements.

The Long-Term Space Agenda adopts the latest technologies, including laser satellite communications. This not only offers opportunities for more efficient communication but also strengthens the cybersecurity of space infrastructure and applications. The Dutch space sector actively contributes to addressing climate problems, incorporating essential instruments and sensors for Earth Observation. With accurate measurements, we provide valuable insights for effective climate policy.


The agenda emphasises the need for strategic autonomy of the Netherlands in space capabilities, ensuring our independence in satellite navigation, communications, and independent space access, all of which are essential for national security. Advocates for this agenda, including NL Space Campus, stress the need to accelerate, advance, and invest in the space industry. SpaceNed and the region call upon the Dutch government to take prompt action, stimulate innovation, and allocate substantial resources to strengthen and secure their competitive edge. The Long-Term Space Agenda encourages collaboration across government departments, involving the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, Education, Culture, Science, Infrastructure and Water Management, and Defence in shaping strategic space technology policies. This Agenda sends a clear signal that the Netherlands is committed to a flourishing and secure space sector.


Lift Off’24 concluded with on-stage interviews of two young representatives of both the science and entrepreneurial sector: Kim Regnery and Bastiaan Bom who shed more light on the strategic importance of space for The Netherlands in light of scientific, geopolitical and economical objectives.

NL Space’s Lift Off ’24 provided a platform for networking, collaboration, and setting a collective vision for the future of Dutch space technology. Jeroen Rotteveel, Chairman of SpaceNed and one of the co-hosts, commented, “Through planned investments and the selection of our missions, we aim to enhance safety and sustainability, fortify our scientific standing, create new growth avenues for SMEs and startups, develop campus facilities, and fortify the international legal framework for space.”

Link to the long term agenda (In Dutch)…

English summary available upon request:

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