Kids from Noordwijk know how to build spaceships

After 2019, things fell silent due to corona. Last July, there was again a flurry of hammering, sawing, and painting on the grass field near the ‘s-Gravendijckseweg. The hut building that happens every year on the field right in the middle of campus was back. This year’s theme? Hut Building Noordwijk goes into space.

The hut building has been in full swing. The advantage of a four-year break and an age range of 6 – 12 years is that a whole new group of children have signed up. For most of them, it was their first participation. And judging by the radiant faces, not the last.

Troopers were present every day to assist the children in building their spaceship. The first morning, parents were also allowed to help for an hour. But after that, it was up to the children themselves. Most children wanted to add a floor to their hut. To do this, a building permit is required. The building committee is strict in granting this. Tips were given and if someone is upstairs, no one may be in the hut below. Safety above all.

Not only was there building. There were games, a mayor was chosen, there were sweets and lemonade, and the festivities ended with a pancake feast.

Photos and editorial: Ina Verblaauw

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