Join the ESA Technology Transfer Competition: Space for Energy

For a second year in a row, the ESA Technology Broker NL is organising a technology transfer competition to generate new ideas for successfully applying space technology on Earth. Last year’s competition was won by HDES with a proposal to turn cool gas generators designed for space applications into life-saving medical equipment. This year you have a new chance to submit your idea and aim for an even bigger prize pool!


The focus of the new competition will be energy. Space helps us to better manage energy resources which can have significant implications for the global economy, environment, and society as a whole. Today, space plays a key role in supporting the green transition with applications in earth observation and telecommunication, as well as timing and positioning services. In addition to satellite derived data, space can also boost energy efficiency through technology transfers.

Envisioned solutions from technology transfer between space and the energy sector include transferring power management systems for efficient energy distribution, using advanced materials and manufacturing techniques to develop high-performance energy equipment, exploiting developments in energy storage technologies, etc. Need some more inspiration? Stay tuned for our call for ideas where we will collect examples of how space technology can be turned into innovative energy applications.

We welcome ideas for space technologies with a strong focus on hard- and software, such as materials, methodologies, energy supply, propulsion, etc. Positioning and navigation, earth observation and satellite communication applications are not the focus of this competition. Ideas should be applicable in the energy sector or at least have a link with energy efficiency.


The competition is open to companies or individuals with links to the Netherlands (either the business must have been established here or you are a current resident).

Energy experts, space enthusiasts, serial entrepreneurs, or even a mixture of the aforementioned are all welcome to compete for the prizes. Cross-sector collaboration is in fact highly encouraged. Linking potential space solutions to energy challenges on earth requires a bit of knowledge of both worlds. This is why it can be beneficial to team up with complementary space or non-space partners. If you do not have a space background and have no idea where to begin, the ESA patent portfolio can be a source of inspiration.


Ideas can be submitted here until 31 October 2023, 23:59 CET. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to pitch in front of the jury on 23 November at SBIC Noordwijk. Winners will be announced during the NL Space Campus Network & Drinks on 30 November 2023.


1st place: €20,000

2nd place: €10,000

3rd place: €5,000

Prizes will be awarded on 30 November 2023. Ideas will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria: Novelty and innovation of the application (35%); technological feasibility (25%); value proposition & market (20%); and economic sustainability (20%). Find an overview of the questions.

To participate in the competition, please submit the application form or click on the link below:

Submit your lightbulb idea

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