Inspiring young talent is important for our future space generation

Inspiring young talent is important for our future space generation

Last week 24 high school students from the Theodore International Startup Academy (TISA Leiden) got excited about space by visiting NL Space Campus. This week our community manager Maaike Smelter and SpaceNed coordinator Hessel Kokke are hosting the Space Careerday for NEMO Amsterdam at Space Expo, to a large high school group of students. Getting young talent excited about space is a goal of NL Space Campus and the Dutch Space Industry, and of course also gets us excited!


At TISA Leiden they teach entrepreneurship and wantย their students to be informed about all the opportunities theย space business industry has to offer.ย Many thanks to Stellar Space Industries and HDES Service and Engineering BV for showing them what is possible and get them excited about entrepreneurship!

The students arrived by bus in the morning at SBIC, where Raoul and Maaike told them about the NL Space Campus and what we are building as a Dutch Space Community. Afterwards they visited Stellar Space Industries. Of course everyone gets excited about products that actually visit space and even come back. They were very impressed. And of course Berry Sanders from HDES always tells his story excitingly, which is very contagious.

They asked a lot of questions, so we were prepared to enjoy their enthusiasm and curiosity. That is why we even created a timeslot so they can ask all the (weird) questions they can think of, about anything concerning the space industry.ย It is important for us to get highย school students interested in the space industry.


On 24 May, a group of pre-university students and young talent got to know the space industry. This took place in Space Expo and Hessel (coordinator of SpaceNed) and Maaike Smelter (community manager NL Space Campus) presented this event.


These are students from 3 VWO who are currently working on a space project at the NEMO science museum in Amsterdam. Within this project, the students must learn more about various aspects of space travel. Therefore, Hessel and Maaike will interview multiple professionals about their careers in space, and with whom the students can go speed dating. Confirmed already are ESA, Dawn Aerospace,, and CGI Space.


These experts from various space-related fields can tell something about this and, above all, show their enthusiasm for it, that we all experience in the space industry!


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