High Tech Young Professionals in Open Discussion at ZIE

Young Hi Delta is the community for Young Professionals of Hi Delta, the organising party of the ZIE conference every year. This year, the community was able to programme their own stage and end the day by opening the dialogue about topics Young Professionals struggle with in their working life.  

The Panel Discussion 

The panel included Ewa Kadziolka from SpaceNed Young Professionals, Luuk van Paridon from Young Hi Delta, Celina van den Bank from Young KIVI Engineers, and Ben Smits from Young TNO. 

Ewa focuses on building a space community and advancing laser communication at TNO. Luuk ensures inclusivity at Young Hi Delta and develops instruments at Demcon. Celina optimises construction processes at VolkerWessels and emphasizes the role of engineers. Ben specializes in digitalization at TNO, focusing on sustainable construction practices, and strives for every Young Professional to learn how to say ‘no’. Together this panel offered topics for an interesting dialogue and diverse ambitions for other Young Professionals to connect with. 

Maaike Smelter, community manager of NL Space Campus, moderated the panel session focusing on work-life balance for young professionals. She elaborated on the session’s objectives, saying, “Our goal was to open up dialogue on tough questions young professionals face in their work lives. We wanted to provide a platform for them to share experiences and find solutions together. Bringing these Young Professional communities together shows that there are shared experiences that we can talk about, especially topics that are not always discussed in the workplace, deserve to be in dialogue with like-minded.” 

She shared examples of the tough questions discussed, stating, “Questions like: How do I choose the right job? How do I handle workload and pressure at work? How do I set boundaries and manage my time effectively?” She emphasized the importance of community support, ‘’As for takeaways for the Space industry, the discussion highlighted the pressing issue of work pressure in technical fields, leading to difficulty in setting boundaries and higher burnout rates. Learning to say ‘no’ and prioritizing tasks based on personal enjoyment and energy levels emerged as crucial strategies. It’s essential to nurture a supportive community where such challenges can be openly addressed, and solutions can be shared. ‘’  

A Space for Young Professionals  

The panel featured Ewa Kadziolka from SpaceNed Young Professionals, Luuk van Paridon from Young Hi Delta, Celina van den Bank from Young KIVI Engineers, and Ben Smits from Young TNO.  These organizations offer vibrant communities where young professionals can connect, learn, and collaborate. Learn more about these communities by clicking below: 

Young KIVI 

SpaceNed Young Professional Network  

Young Hi Delta 

Young TNO 

Stay Involved! 

NL Space Campus’s involvement at ZIE 2024 shows our dedication to bringing space technology and other industries together. We welcome industry professionals to stay updated with our community updates and event calendar for new connections and opportunities. If you’re interested in collaborating with us, just reach out to Maaike Smelter at m.smelter@nlspacecampus.eu  

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