Giant Tulip Bulb at NL Space Campus

A new giant bulb has been placed next to the Space Business Innovation Centre Noordwijk. The NL Space Campus is now also connected to the Duin- and Bollenstreek. Space and flower bulbs—a combination that is natural in Noordwijk.

Space Industry in the Municipality of Noordwijk

Artist Sjoerd Blokker created this new addition. The bulb stands next to the Space Business Innovation Centre Noordwijk. Everything in this building revolves around space exploration and the opportunities it provides. Innovations are born here. The birthplace is on the NL Space Campus, the new space hub that is rapidly developing.

Artworks Uniting the Bollenstreek

The artwork is part of a larger project. The Gildemeesters Bollenstreek are creating 80 Giant Bulbs in the Duin- and Bollenstreek, involving the business community. Many companies and organizations are contributing. The municipality of Noordwijk also sponsored several Giant Bulbs. This results in a series of artworks that colorfully emphasize the unique character of the region. You can find more about it here.

Thanks to Rabobank

The Rabobank Start up Scale up team sponsored this latest addition. During the unveiling of the bulb, alderman Roberto ter Hark thanked the sponsor for their contribution. That sense of connection is important. For him, it was also an opportunity to explain that the combination of space and bulbs is a natural one for the municipality of Noordwijk.

Two Pillars of Our Economy

The municipality is a true “bulb municipality” and a place where space exploration is ubiquitous. Here, efforts are made towards a vital flower bulb cultivation and the development of a dynamic space cluster as part of a strong European space industry.

Space Technology Aiding Bulb Cultivation

“Here, we gladly place the giant bulb, thereby connecting new businesses with traditional ones. And we are pleased to observe that new and old industries are increasingly integrated. Geodata is the key word. Detecting diseases in bulb fields from a drone or satellite. Or deploying interesting robots in the fields to detect or laser-remove weeds. Space and flower bulbs are Noordwijk’s economic pillars.”


The alderman also expressed his concern: “Innovation is not a given. These days, we are experiencing tense times. And I’m not referring to war and international geopolitical tensions, but to our Dutch economy and how we strategically invest in our future. How do we keep fostering our innovative capacity together? Businesses, knowledge institutions, and think tanks are sounding the alarm. And rightly so. Investments in innovation are crucial if we are to take the right steps today towards a prosperous, competitive, and sustainable future for the Netherlands.”

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