EUSPA and GNSS CoE building blocks to support GNSS applications

EUSPA and GNSS CoE building blocks to support GNSS applications

Where ESA is mostly working on space infrastructure and science missions which we call mostly upstream, with Josef Aschbacher as Director General at ESA, EUSPA is the European Union of Space Programmes Agency and focusses mainly on downstream. Meaning data applications and the use of space data for all kinds of purposes. Its Director General is Rodriga da Costa, who came 10 May to visit the Galileo Reference Center (GRC). The GRC is part of the EUSPA for the provision of reliable GNSS data and is a valuable asset to NL Space Campus, where the GNSS Center of Excellence is housed and offers many learning opportunities.


In the Network of Galileo and Copernicus, the global navigation system, a new groundstation has been added, which is based in Bonaire. Because Bonaire is still official part of the Dutch Kingdom, the presentation of the new groundstation has been presented at the GRC on NL Space Campus. Parties attending this presentation were NSO, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water and of course NL Space Campus. EUSPA has created a market report of 2022, which offers opportunities for the upcoming period.


During his visit the GNSS Center of Excellence (CoE) was presented by Science & Technology (S[&]T), Nederlands Lucht & Ruimtevaart Instituut (NLR) and CGI Space. The GNSS CoE is one of the first building blocks here on campus to support applications stemming fromΒ the 2022 market report, that has recently been published by EUSPA and you can read publicly.


European Union Agency for the Space Programme: Linking space to user needs

Space is essential to the way we live, work and play. EUSPA’s core mission is to implement the EU Space Programme and to provide reliable, safe and secure space-related services, maximising their socio-economic benefits for European society and business. By fostering the development of innovative and competitive upstream and downstream sectors and engaging with the entire EU Space community, EUSPA is driving innovation-based growth in the European economy and contributing to the safety of EU citizens and the security of the Union and its Member States, while at the same time reinforcing the EU’s strategic autonomy.

More about EUSPA:Β…

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