Dutch Delegation visits the 38th Space Symposium in Colorado Springs

A delegation of companies, brought together by a PIB partnership and organised by SpaceNed, consisting of knowledge institutions, NSO, the Innovation Network and members of the Dutch Defence Ministry. Together they were present at the 38th Space Symposium in Colorado Springs in the United States. From 17 till 20 April 2023, under the joint NL Space umbrella, they represented the Dutch space industry. This year’s delegation was the largest ever to visit the Symposium and carried a comprehensive profile of the knowledge and skills of the Dutch space sector.

Innovations developed by the Dutch space sector contribute to everyday applications. From navigation and telecommunications to climate change monitoring and security, the impact of the space industry is everywhere. For this reason, Dutch companies who are a member of SpaceNed have joined forces in a collaboration, supported by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), the Dutch Embassy in the US and the Dutch space agency Netherlands Space Office, to pursue opportunities in the US and beyond. They hosted an NL Space booth and organised a networking event at the Penrose House, moderated by the honorary consul Frank Caris with a keynote speech by General William Shelton (USAF) and contributions by A.J. Smit (Director Operations Royal Netherlands Air Force) Jasper van Loon (NSO) and Jeroen Rotteveel (ISISPACE, SpaceNed).

The Dutch space ecosystem is unique. Nowhere else will you find such a concentration of high-tech companies that work together with the government and official bodies to jointly put—and keep—the Dutch space sector on the map. The level of our knowledge and skills, in combination with the openness and international character that the Dutch space industry is known for, enables us to present as a united collaboration with our important American partners.” Jasper van Loon, director of Space Business at NSO.


The Dutch delegation to the 38th Space Symposium is a collaboration between companies, knowledge institutes, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, the Ministry of Defence, the Dutch Embassy in Washington, the Dutch Consulate in San Francisco, the Netherlands Space Office, SpaceNed and the Netherlands Innovation Network. Together they have formed a partnership, Partners for International Business (PIB) called “Netherlands Industries for cooperation with the US space industry”. In this PIB, organisations active in the civil and military space market work together. As the US is an important market for many Dutch organisations, the main objectives of this partnership are to develop long-term partnerships, sign MoU’s, participate in trade fairs, set up network events, and organise trade missions.

If you are looking for more information on the PIB activities, looking for cooperation or have any other questions, please contact hessel.kokke@spacened.nl

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