D66 Visits the NL Space Campus

D66 Visits the NL Space Campus

In September we got to show parliamentarians from D66 visiting the Space Campus the impressive site of ESA ESTEC and pitches from start-ups in SBIC, and showing examples and possibilities space technology and data innovations offer to diverse sectors and can solve societal and environmental issues and that the sky is not the limit.

We are very thankful to Romke de Jong, Lisa van Ginneken, Kiki Kersten and Irina van der Hoorn to visit us and their true interest and enthusiasm for the social, economic and societal impact and opportunities space innovation and data offers to our society.  The visit started at the largest technological heart of the European Space Agency – ESA ESA/ESTEC on campus. NSO and SpaceNed were also present at lunch where NSO highlighted the national developments and SpaceNed the lobbying agenda. After visiting the impressive testing labs the visit went on to the VR/AR lab AVATAR and SBIC at campus, among others, a presentation on the campus development, a VR experience and pitches of innovative start-ups and scale-ups that know how to translate space technology and data to global markets, such as Stellar Space Industries, Mapture.ai, Celestia STS, HDES Service & Engineering BV and Rocket Collective.

With these visits we hope to spark curiosity and increase working together to strengthen the sector and opportunities in the space industry. As a result of this visit on September 14th four parties of the House of Representatives replied with multiple substantive questions to the former Report of a written consultation on the Dialogic report on description and evaluation of space research in the Netherlands (Parliamentary Paper 24446-75)

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