Behind the Scenes: XXXV ASE Planetary Congress Planning

The recent days have been dedicated to getting ready for the ASE XXXV Planetary Congress by the Executive Committee. They’ve been inspiring days, bringing lots of insights. And, of course, no ASE congress would be complete without a patch, so that was also unveiled (see photo).

Thursday, 21 March to Sunday, 24 March, were devoted to preparations by the ExCom for the XXXV Planetary Congress that will take place in the Netherlands later this year.

Julie Payette, Reinhold Ewald, Pedro Duque and Rick Hieb had travelled to Grand Hotel Huis ter Duin in Noordwijk to consult with AndrΓ© and his team, consisting of Helen, Debbie, Wendy and Marjolein.

As technical chair, Julie will work on approaching speakers for technical sessions and panels on Tuesday, October 1 and Thursday, October 3. AndrΓ© plans various sessions on Monday about the role of the Netherlands in space travel.

There was also room for site visits, such as ESA-ESTEC, which will be hosting the Opening Ceremony and the technical sessions. Moreover, the Rijksmuseum, the Anne Frank House, the Ziggo Dome and the Maritime Museum are where the closing party will take place. On the first day, the ExCom was joined by Leland Melvin, who gave a lecture for National Geographic on ‘overcoming extremes’.

Overall, we look back on intensive but inspiring days that laid the foundation for a wonderful substantive conference with exciting cultural activities.

Keep an eye on our website to stay up-to-date on the ASE XXXV Planetary Congress, NL Space Week, and everything happening in space this fall!

About ASE Planetary Congress

The Annual ASE Planetary Congress in 2024, themed “Generation Space – shaping the future together,” stands as a crucial event where over 100 astronauts from 38 countries gather in the Netherlands, highlighting the essential role of space for a safe and sustainable future across various sectors. TheΒ  XXXV ASE Planetary Congress is engaging participants through lectures, panels, and community outreach activities. This event promotes collaboration and knowledge sharing among space experts and businesses, fueling innovation and societal advancement within the Dutch space landscape.

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