ESA Phi-Lab Netherlands Info Session

February 11, 2025
- February 11, 2025
| 14:00
- 15:00

European Space Agency (ESA), NL Space Campus, SBIC Noordwijk, and their partners are proud to announce the start of the ESA Phi-Lab Netherlands at the beginning of 2025.

At Phi-Lab Netherlands, we nurture pioneering research into transformative technologies with strong commercial potential. As part of the ESA’sΒ Phi-LabNET, we forge the connections needed to propel the future of space innovation and enhance Europe’s global competitiveness.

We believe that collaboration between research institutions and the market sector can yield radical innovations and new, sustainable businesses. This drives us to help transform research into groundbreaking solutions. The selected research projects will receive seed funding of a minimum of 200.000 EUR as well as support and coaching from academic and commercial experts in the fields. Facilities, workspace, and access to a network of experts will be accessible to the selected teams to support their project implementation.

ESA Phi-Lab Netherlands focuses on Earth observation, positioning, navigation and timing, and laser satellite communication, but it also supports any demonstrably good project on common capabilities supporting these themes.

Call for project applications is permanently open and the first selection round in 2025 will be held on March 31. Consortiums formed by research institutions and industry partners are invited to share ideas and submit an application before this deadline. More information, such as the eligibility, application requirements, and selection procedure andΒ the website for Phi-Lab Netherlands will be shared soon.

Online information session 11 February 14:00 – 15:00

An online information session will be held on February 11 at 14:00 – 15:00 for interested parties and potential applicants. You can register here.

Register for the info session

Please register for this event by clicking the link below.