SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research opens its doors in Leiden to the general public during the NL Spaceweek and the annual Dutch Science Festival Weekend called Weekend van de Wetenschap. SRONโs astronomers, atmospheric scientists, exoplanet researchers, space technology scientists and engineers welcome young and old for a fun sneak peak in the world of space science and its enabling instrumentation. Come and learn about SRONโs science and recent, current and future space missions with NASA, ESA, JAXA and partner institutes around the world for X-ray, optical, far infrared and gravitational wave astronomy, planetary research and remote sensing of earths atmosphere. Expect fun educational activities like a cryogenic ice cream lab, lectures, soldering a satellite, experiments and a mobile planetarium. This Open Day is primarily in Dutch but all staff you meet speaks English and of some activities there will be English editions (tbd) during the day.